It doesn't seem to break down how many up and how many down. Just the combined score.
Why the change? I think there is a huge difference between something that sits at 1 because nobody voted on it, or sits at 1 after 100 people upvoted it, and another 100 downvoted it.

I also fear that when downvotes are invisible, people are more prone to use them. That is just speculation though.

Edit: Ok, I think I get it. I found the video of @pembo during the code swap.

It doesn't seem to break down how many up and how many down. Just the combined score. Why the change? I think there is a huge difference between something that sits at 1 because nobody voted on it, or sits at 1 after 100 people upvoted it, and another 100 downvoted it. I also fear that when downvotes are invisible, people are more prone to use them. That is just speculation though. Edit: Ok, I think I get it. [I found the video of @pembo during the code swap.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YlDKCt2PoWg)


[–] registereduser 4 points (+4|-0)

It's not finished yet in the new template. Pembo and Polsaker were 'arguing' about putting it back, not sure if they were serious. I hope Polsaker was just joking.

20:29 < registereduser> What happened to -num:+num on phuks?
20:30 <@pembo> not done yet in the new templat
20:30 <@pembo> polsaker got all trigger happy a couple days ago
20:30 <@pembo> we weren't really ready yet
20:31 <@Polsaker> no
20:31 <@Polsaker> don't add that back
20:31 <@pembo> but all the daily browsing stuff worked so phuk it do it live
20:31 <@Polsaker> bad pembo

[–] Polsaker 2 points (+2|-0) Edited

I won't add the user totals back, because they'll clutter the navbar, but I'm not against adding them back on posts and comments