[–] Justintoxicated 1 points (+1|-0)

After watching the Evergreen State docs all of this stuff falls into place. Weak ineffective leaders will always get bullied and end up in a quagmire they can't control.

This could not have been handled more wrong, this is essentially a hostage situation to expose how weak their leaders are. Like in any hostage situation where there is no reasonable negotiation you either need a show of force or a show of superior strategy.

Personally I believe they should have continued to erect security around the zone, cut off water, electricity, and any other pay service provided by the US government. Freely allow people to leave the area after filling out a form describing why they are seeking sanctuary as a refugee to the US but not allowing anyone back in (after all no customs treaties have been signed). Let it be an example for others to learn from, the government is not your friend, it's not your parent.