[–] CDanger 0 points (+0|-0)

Uh, why? How does the world benefit at all from HIV-positive men fathering children? Why would anyone needing to use a sperm bank seek out an HIV-positive father? What possible advantage is that for your future child over using a healthy donor?

Fisher said the sperm bank could have a significant impact on the way people think about the virus.

And how is that a good thing? There is nothing of value to be gained by celebrating HIV. This is the same type of "body positive", i.e. fat acceptance movement nonsense. Neither of these are good things.

Do you want to survive only by government subsidies? Because that's how you wind up surviving only by government subsidies.

Seriously. How long will the NZ government support this ~~ fiasco ~~ attempt at government sponsored murder? Can't wait for the deceptive advertising and outright lies about how safe it is.