[–] ScorpioGlitch 2 points (+2|-0)

It will also limit rent rises to once a year, up from the current limit of once every six months.

So they double the amount they raise it and tack on an extra 10% to cover whatever lack they have from having to wait so long.

Under the Government's planned changes landlords will have to provide some reason to end the tenancy - including selling the property, demolishing it, or changing how it is used

You don't need a reason to do whatever you like with your property. It's yours, that's the point.

They will also be able to use a new "anti-social behaviour" clause to move on problematic tenants if three complaints are received about the tenant's behaviour in a 90-day period and an application is made to the tenancy tribunal.

Again, tell you what you can and cannot do with your own property.

Rent being paid more than five working days late three times or more in a 90-day period would also be a valid reason, although this too would require a trip to the tribunal.

WAT? You have to have a third party to evict for paying late? So much for mutual consent.

When a tenancy is ended for a valid reason, such as a landlord selling a house, they will now need to provide 63 days of notice - up from 42.

There isn't a home owner on the planet who can guarantee that kind of foresight. You don't get to know that it's going to be sold 2 months before it closes. Christ, these people are stupid.

Pretty sure home rentals are gonna drop like rocks.

[–] jobes 1 points (+1|-0)

The 63 day notice thing is absolutely absurd. 42 days was pretty generous. Is there such little housing/apartment rentals available that they can justify the 2 month time?

[–] ohphukimintrouble [OP] 1 points (+1|-0) Edited

Is there such little housing/apartment rentals available

Yes. What makes it even gayer as a person living in a small town is that people are cashing out from Auckland (Cuckland) and moving here. They're making it expensive to live in a small shitty town. House prices in my town have increased 20% in the past year. ree

[–] jobes 1 points (+1|-0)

Yeah that happens when Californians move to random states out here. For the price of a 1 bedroom condo they can easily buy a 5 bedroom mansion in most states.