[–] PhunkyPlatypus 2 points (+2|-0)

Most of the people I know have either accepted that they'll never own a house, or dream about it as an unobtainable goal.

[–] CDanger 0 points (+0|-0)

Inheritance tax makes tons of sense in my opinion. Right now we are punishing those who create jobs (entrepreneurs) and earn incomes with higher taxes so that trust fund kids can have a life of wealth. There just isn't any good reason for that, since it harms most people and slows economic growth by hampering a meritocracy. Being born by luck to rich parents should not guarantee you success in life, and being born to the wrong parents but with intelligence and willingness to work should not condemn you to poverty.

Of course the mega wealthy have somehow convinced common people that this is a bad idea with scary stories about taxing grandma's estate, but the answer is simple: phase it in with something like 0% rates on <$1 million, 20% on < $5 million, 50% on < $10 million, etc. Of course I doubt this would ever happen because politicians represent the mega wealthy, not the majority.