[–] [Deleted] 1 points (+1|-0)

the height you took off from is pretty cool... can really map yourself some 3d space... driving for instance you only get so much bev... (birds eye view). It could probably help with hard decisions like which cave dive is worth it... if you post anything try using catbox and ping me! I'd love to see their capability from something other than an advertisement which is all I got when I checked for good footage of roaming.

[–] Adhdferret 1 points (+1|-0)

Yeah of course.

Their ability is only stopped with battery life really. It will eat a battery in 25 min at the most time you get. That is hover with no wind. They have attachment kits for lights, foam landing skids, and just all kinds of shit.

Really suggest the mavic pro myself. I tried the AIR and I didn't like it. Just too much shit that is not proven to be useful or functional because they are so new.

On top of that how the battery attached to the underside of the drone.....nope don't need that bullshit myself. Then when many of them first shipped they were not paired correctly with the xmitters so they didn't work.

DJI customer service is shit to say it nicely. Everyone hates them like Comcast. Their products either work or they fucking dont when you get them lol. I wouldn't bother with the warranty shit either because parts are cheap enough online to stay under their bottom line plus waiting.

You will need extra blades man....you just do, but they are cheap enough.

The application you dl for video feed shows you everything. Current view of the drone, current position on a map with flight log, altimiter, speed, compass direction, battery life, just everything.

Far as 3d view in a map....no just shows overhead like a cars gps would. Nothing as fancy as you think. You can also adjust all the camera shit within the application. I haven't got that far. Just test flying it around where I live.

People love the shit out of it too. Asking me for air pics of their land and shit lol. Easy to do as there is a camera function that is very detailed. Has a moderate zoom I used for a guy stalking a deer on his property too.

Bastard couldn't hide from that drone and couldn't hear it either at 400ft. Had the actual position and lights on so the guy was able to see it.