John Milton in Paradise Lost says God and angels are immutable and are intuits, while humans are mutable and of course, not intuitive by nature. But we are, we have to be; sometimes our very survival depends on intuition...and it seems women above all are often very intuitive. Are you intuitive? Do you follow your intuition or disregard it? Do you think intuition exists or is rubbish?

John Milton in Paradise Lost says God and angels are immutable and are intuits, while humans are mutable and of course, not intuitive by nature. But we are, we have to be; sometimes our very survival depends on intuition...and it seems women above all are often very intuitive. Are you intuitive? Do you follow your intuition or disregard it? Do you think intuition exists or is rubbish?


[–] Owlchemy 3 points (+3|-0)

I'm not sure if I'm intuitive or not, but that being said, except for a couple of colossal errors which likely many make, I've made more than my fair share of correct life choices. Of course, I'm an optimist and always try to see the positives of any situation, rather than dwelling on negatives. So maybe it's not intuition or luck, per se, but attitude. Retired now, I often feel I lived a charmed life. I'm not rich, I'm not poor, but I'm happy, so I'm relatively good with that.