John Milton in Paradise Lost says God and angels are immutable and are intuits, while humans are mutable and of course, not intuitive by nature. But we are, we have to be; sometimes our very survival depends on intuition...and it seems women above all are often very intuitive. Are you intuitive? Do you follow your intuition or disregard it? Do you think intuition exists or is rubbish?

John Milton in Paradise Lost says God and angels are immutable and are intuits, while humans are mutable and of course, not intuitive by nature. But we are, we have to be; sometimes our very survival depends on intuition...and it seems women above all are often very intuitive. Are you intuitive? Do you follow your intuition or disregard it? Do you think intuition exists or is rubbish?


Yes. I trust my intuition more than I trust my conscious thought. That may seem silly, and you may be right, but anecdotal evidence has convinced me.

There have been times where I've had a 'bad feeling' about something. Every time I've ignored that feeling, I've paid for it. When I listen to the feeling, usually I never know if it helped, but there have been a few times where I got the bad feeling and changed plans, but others stayed on course and I saw them fry for it.
I don't believe in supernatural or anything like that, so I assume that this feeling is a result of intuition.
Parts of my mind are probably noticing things that my conscious brain has not.
I always trust it now.

[–] E-werd 2 points (+2|-0)

Absolutely this. I always consult my internal voice for things, I like to see how I "feel" about a situation before I react. This is especially true for situations where I don't know what the right answer or right course of action is. Whether it's God or whether its intuition, I'll never know in my lifetime, but it almost never steers me wrong.