[–] jobes [OP] 1 points (+1|-0) Edited

I know I could get a good answer from reddit, but I'd rather not. If it is between harvesting grapes for immediate use and picking mold from grapes, I'll get my tweezers out and get that mold off.

Thanks for the suggestions tho

Edit: that extension garden site is actually the exact thing I need. Super thanks

[–] angeredwhackjob 1 points (+1|-0)

It's a great service, they helped me with adjusting the ph of my garden soil

[–] jobes [OP] 1 points (+1|-0)

I just put 40lbs of lime on my parent's garden and raked it. in. It was 5.2, Hoping it will get close to 6 in a few years. First thing I'm doing at this new place is a soil test

[–] angeredwhackjob 1 points (+1|-0)

I had to use some powdered sulfur in the flower beds against the house, soil was alkaline from all the left over concrete/mortar waste.