I need to secure the trellis nets to the stakes better, but good enough for today. I used some clips like this to attach the tomatoes to the nets, which surprisingly worked out quite well so far.
I had bought some poultry fencing and put that in for the peas on the left, which should work out well.
I need to secure the trellis nets to the stakes better, but good enough for today. I used some [clips like this](https://i.ebayimg.com/images/i/201052448495-0-1/s-l1000.jpg) to attach the tomatoes to the nets, which surprisingly worked out quite well so far.
I had bought some poultry fencing and put that in for the peas on the left, which should work out well.
I need to secure the trellis nets to the stakes better, but good enough for today. I used some clips like this to attach the tomatoes to the nets, which surprisingly worked out quite well so far.
I had bought some poultry fencing and put that in for the peas on the left, which should work out well.