[–] jobes [OP] 2 points (+2|-0)

Helped my dad do some planting over the weekend. The first 2 rows (from the left) are a mix of early, low acid and beefsteak tomatoes. The next 2 rows are bell peppers closer to the camera, then hungarian wax peppers and hot banana peppers at the end. After that is a row of sown snow peas, then a row of radishes + beets. Last 2 rows has some pickling cucumber, then marigolds, dill, then green onions. I'm not too confident that the cucumbers will take off, I forgot to start those seeds a few weeks ago. I'll buy some seedlings to replace those if they don't start sprouting in the next 10 days or so.

The marigolds and dill are next to the burrning bushes to hopefully attract some lady bug and praying mantis frens to help keep the garden clear. They're by the bushes to hopefully give those nice bugs a little shelter from the birds.