Spent almost all day yesterday setting up irrigation and transplanting things hardy enough to manage the chilly nights. Coming along, but slowly. I'm really looking forward to the shade loving plants, once my maple has leafed out enough to protect them. That and the spice bush and witch hazels.
Lots of tall perennial flowers towards the house, tapering to smaller on the path side. It will be left open towards the house though, I've got a lot of exterior remodeling to do and need access. https://imgoat.com/uploads/f93f983524/109726.jpg
Lots of fast growing annuals, mixed in with lilies, bulbs, and some woody perennial flowers. https://imgoat.com/uploads/f93f983524/109725.jpg
Pretty heavy shade area here, but the tulips and alliums seem to be fine. Cohosh, goldenseal, and a few worts and ferns will fill it out. https://imgoat.com/uploads/f93f983524/109723.jpg
Full shade area here, once everything gets going. Digitalis, skullcap, Canterbury bells, ferns, coleus, impatiens, lily of the valley, bleeding heart, barrenwort, a spice bush and witch hazel, and a few harder to find ethereal woodland plants that won't go out yet. https://imgoat.com/uploads/f93f983524/109727.jpg
My just arrived order of plants that I could not grow from seed. Epimedium, brunerra, arisaema, lamium, trycirtis, heuchera, aconitum, astilbe, and chelone. https://imgoat.com/uploads/f93f983524/109724.jpg
Oh man. It's all just ready to burst!