Oh gotcha. It is terrifying to boot that first time. But each time it gets easier, and thankfully I have yet to find a way to fry everything by plugging the wrong thing in.
But you're right the conductors are usually squared, but this is the central processor and comes separate from the motherboard/circuit board.
For the record. This was my 10,000 phuk given. Congratulation! But you won nothing, for I only have one phuk to give
oh thankfully that went just fine on Friday. Had a couple of odd software hiccups but nothing major. The worst part was adding additional thermal paste on accident and than ripping out the cpu as it was stuck to the cooler very firmly (a pants shitting moment I don't want to relive.) But it all seems to be working just fine now.
I'd be afraid to turn it on. My computers have always been already put together. I would worry that I made some connection wrong or plugged something in backwards.
I thought the conductors on circuit boards have square corners.