We the mole people are migrating to your site. @violentlight comes to our site to visit so we will be coming to yours in return. @pembo210 I hope your servers can handle this migration and any requests we make to the database.

We the mole people are migrating to your site. @violentlight comes to our site to visit so we will be coming to yours in return. @pembo210 I hope your servers can handle this migration and any requests we make to the database.


[–] Dantalian 0 points (+0|-0)

I originally read your name as "MalePerson" and immediately thought of it as a play on the word "Mailperson". I need some midday coffee to wake my brain up.

[–] Justintoxicated 3 points (+3|-0)


I just hope people from the various websites I frequent don't follow me here... I'm a big shot in the "commenting on porno videos" community..

[–] Violentlight 3 points (+3|-0)

I have a sudden urge to try and track down all your porn comments and compile the best quotes...

[–] PhunkyPlatypus 4 points (+4|-0) Edited

Welcome aboard and feel free to give as many phuks as you see fit.

[–] Violentlight 5 points (+5|-0)


I guess there was some confusion. I didn't realize your plan was to join the site and participate to help it grow.

Don't forget to check your settings to enable NSFW and Experimental Features. With Experimental Features turned on, you can go to the front page and view all/new. It will auto update as new stuff is posted.

Due to the size of the site, its how most of us view the site.

You might feel more comfortable using a series of tunnels though.