


Hello friend. We must help these people here check their priviledge like we do on voat. I have over 9000 alts and they're all brigading posts

[–] PuttIt0ut [OP] -1 points (+0|-1)

I was skeptical that this was you at first. But this is exactly the kind of comment he would make. CLAMMY!

I sold my voat account. Moderating a lot if subs there, so I got quite a bit. Everyone was getting real racist and sexist

[–] [Deleted] 5 points (+5|-0)

Welcome. Just to be clear, the SoapDoxBanHammer SRS contract is in effect. You must do our bidding here as well as on Poal or Voat. As page 3 of the agreement states this includes any alts you have.

@jobes @Mattvision @Boukert please keep an eye on him