Hi, I'm looking for reddit alternatives, something with more sense of community. I live in the Bay area and run some blogs and a podcast. I'm also big into video games and old movies. Anyways, I hope I will find what I am looking for here!

Hi, I'm looking for reddit alternatives, something with more sense of community. I live in the Bay area and run some blogs and a podcast. I'm also big into video games and old movies. Anyways, I hope I will find what I am looking for here!


[–] E-werd 2 points (+2|-0) Edited

Well, nobody asked it yet, so I guess I'll go ahead...

Cabbage or broccoli?

(If you're looking for sense of community here, you're not going to get closer to that than this question. And also anything in /s/soapdoxbanhammer)

Oh well, Broccoli is one of my favorite vegetables. But I also am a big fan of sauerkraut. I guess I have to go with Broccoli though.