• I'm an Army Veteran.
  • I'm an American.
  • I'm a Christian (I don't preach to people or even go to church).
  • I'm funny and cool just like you.....
  • I'm fighting your negativity lol.

I was on Voat for about a week because there is only so much antisemitism a person can take. (And I forgot my password)

ELE - Everybody Love Everybody

P.S. get your PHUKS on.

YO. - I'm an Army Veteran. - I'm an American. - I'm a Christian (I don't preach to people or even go to church). - I'm funny and cool just like you..... - I'm fighting your negativity lol. I was on Voat for about a week because there is only so much antisemitism a person can take. (And I forgot my password) [ELE - Everybody Love Everybody](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QXipqyf0o90) P.S. get your PHUKS on.


[–] KillBill 1 points (+2|-1) Edited

If you are a spammer own it and don't try to push blame where it's not. If you've chosen to make a living like this then good for you but I downvote spam. I'm not angry or triggered, I just thought it would be nice for you to know where your downvotes are coming from and why. Like I said no hard feelings.

If you want to post about your day or how life is for you at the minute, then I might change my mind. Then I'll know the site here means a bit more to you than a possible few cents or some wider recognition.

There's s/whatever for anything that doesn't fit elsewhere so just put the original stuff there.

[–] pidu87 [OP] -2 points (+0|-2)

I don't make any money from IMfaceplate I'm not sure that is even possible. Facebook does not pay users for all the ads, nor Myspace(Anyone use that?). If I post Youtube videos and break a few million views I could prob make a few hundred bucks. lol

SPAM as far as I know without searching it is 1) Off Topic 2) Prob selling you something.

I get it you don't like vanilla ice cream doesn't mean you need to tell everyone that is eating vanilla ice cream you love chocolate.

Thank you for telling me Newman haha

[–] KillBill 2 points (+2|-0)

If you don't make money then just post the article link straight to Engadget then. No need to waste your time copying it to your blog is there?

[–] pidu87 [OP] -1 points (+1|-2)

+1 If I do that Engadget will show lots of ads and why would I want them making money and hurting you with monetization..... lol That kinda makes all blogs pointless its all regurgitated information.


I'm done being a smart #ss.

I took your advice. Starting some more original content today but there is no Investing section on here lol. I'll have to share that on a different platform.

Quick question if I were to post a link to a blog post with two different views on a topic and then my own opinion and facts proving one side to be more truthful or accurate would that still be SPAMY? Seriously.