Introductions are fun. However many times they come around.

I was lost coz I over did a cache movement. Tried to destroy phuks attachment prompt because I was scared of being alone - Then realized I will never be alone ever.

Can proof, cause I been everywhere my friends

I love you all, deep respect. Div dancing,


Introductions are fun. However many times they come around. I was lost coz I over did a cache movement. Tried to destroy phuks attachment prompt because I was scared of being alone - Then realized I will never be alone ever. Can proof, cause I been everywhere my friends I love you all, deep respect. Div dancing, peace...


[–] pembo210 1 points (+1|-0)

y-you too

[–] SoulOfBlip [OP] 0 points (+0|-0)

Me too ;)

Cracking the mold if they'll let me. Oh ¦) umm, when I'm intoxicated ;) ;) say no more ;)

Just normal otherwise.

All the best,


[–] E-werd 3 points (+3|-0)


...welcome to Phuks.

[–] SoulOfBlip [OP] 0 points (+0|-0) Edited

Thx /u/E-werd mate.

I will shake your hand while pulling you in for an connection tap of respect. Then I will continue going about business.

All the best,
