I've only been over here about a day, but phuks feels like the voat that I started browsing on in 2016. Yall are good folks.

I've only been over here about a day, but phuks feels like the voat that I started browsing on in 2016. Yall are good folks.


[–] pembo210 2 points (+2|-0)

hi, welcome. poke around and let me know if have any questions :)

where do you see phuks in one year?

[–] pembo210 2 points (+2|-0)

That's tough. We started phuks for fun like 2 years ago, and have rewrote half of it twice already.

We wanted somewhere to play some text based games and post some links, without getting accused of spamming or flooding someone else's site with offtopic (game related) stuff. We agreed to pay the bills ourselves without needing ads or trackers for outside money. "If we couldnt pay for it, we'd shut it down" was the thing for a while. Now we have people donating, and telling their friends, and asking for new features, and it just kinda started taking off. We're going to keep the lights on as long as we can and already have a plan to upgrade the server, and maybe add a game server for our users. We currently have enough in reserve for more than year.

..so yeah, i hope we keep on going. I hope we have some more features and fix some more bugs. There was never a plan to be anything more than a place for us to play around. I hope we can keep doing that :)

I hope the best for the site. It is also refreshing to hear from a developer/owner directly and within minutes.

Cheers, pembo