My name is cowshit, and I'm a long-time lurker looking for redemption. Please clap.

Anyways, I've always lurked on various forums for years, but have never found a place that I felt compelled to contribute to. I like the vibe here, and I have high hopes that this platform can provide a civil place to discuss a wide variety of interests and ideas.

Like many I watched /r/all devolve into a tremendous pile of shit. The same thing happened to voat, both have become hyper-focused on a narrow range of views and ideas.

In the gin-soaked words of F. Scott Fitzgerald:

"The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function."

I enjoy history, literature, economics, investing, cattle ranching, good horses, hunting, fishing, and civil discussions with people that I disagree with.

My name is cowshit, and I'm a long-time lurker looking for redemption. *Please clap.* Anyways, I've always lurked on various forums for years, but have never found a place that I felt compelled to contribute to. I like the vibe here, and I have high hopes that this platform can provide a civil place to discuss a wide variety of interests and ideas. Like many I watched /r/all devolve into a tremendous pile of shit. The same thing happened to voat, both have become hyper-focused on a narrow range of views and ideas. In the gin-soaked words of F. Scott Fitzgerald: "The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function." I enjoy history, literature, economics, investing, cattle ranching, good horses, hunting, fishing, and civil discussions with people that I disagree with.


[–] E-werd 3 points (+3|-0) Edited

Welcome, mister cowshit. I hope you find what you're looking for, or if not then help create it. I know we have a plenty of interest in history, economics, and possibly investing. I know there's at least a couple of us into hunting and fishing--at least me, anyway. And, so far, everybody seems to be into civil discussion.

I can't speak to ranching, though.

[–] cowshit [OP] 2 points (+2|-0)

Thanks for the welcome. Whats your quarry? In terms of fishing I love to fish nearshore saltwater, run lines in the rivers for big cats, and travel north for pike and walleye. I kill pigs by the bushel, rio grande and eastern turkey, whitetail and antelope, and any wing shooting that I can find.

[–] E-werd 2 points (+2|-0)

Well, I've not been able to get into hunting beyond deer--we have plenty of them up this way.

I fish mostly, in-land freshwater because I'm 200-300 miles from saltwater. Bass, walleye, and catfish by boat--and anything else we can catch. Mostly drifting and trolling.

[–] cowshit [OP] 0 points (+0|-0)

Right on. I got into some blues and flatheads on jug and trotlines this weekend. Also got a big ass paddlefish on the trotline, which had never happened before. Some russian dudes at the ramp were trying to buy everyones paddlefish caviar for $50/lb.