Hi. I like talking to friendly people, or people in general, because most people, shitty or not have something interesting about them....to me, even a shitty person is interesting because he's shitty.
I like metal, Nasal snuff, Satan, chicken, cheap beer and whiskey. I live in a vehicle and have a beard and live in the woods a few months of the year.
This sounds like a damn dating profile so I think I'll shut up now.
Hmmmm way I see it is your choice. Much like living in the woods.
I grew up in poverty without so much as electric during much of the year. Never again I say. There is some good things about it I won't deny, but I have made many friends over the years that get worried if I am out of contact for more than 30 days.
Plus I just love a refrigerator lol. Don't mind the net either as I live in a fairly remote part of PA. Don't feel like driving an hour to the nearest Walmart.