But now that i do, i feel better about the world.

But now that i do, i feel better about the world.


[–] PMYA 4 points (+4|-0)

I forgot to mention:

  • Dark mode is way better.
  • Look at the "View All Subs" page on the frontpage sidebar to sub to some things.
  • You have to go in your settings and tick the NSFW content option if you want to be able to see NSFW content.
  • If you tick the experimental thing in settings, it will make vote scores auto update, and it will auto update all/new when a new post is made. It'll show your notifications without refreshing the page too.
[–] cloud 4 points (+4|-0)

Just remember that if you think of it, it most likely exists somewhere.

[–] TheRedArmy 3 points (+3|-0)

I felt about the same, when I was informed of it. But the look of it is sleek. I go dark mode.

I also know some of the crew through other stuff, so that helps.

[–] Polsaker 3 points (+3|-0)

We need somebody to redo the light theme, yeah

[–] TheRedArmy 5 points (+5|-0)

Oh, I wasn't trying to say it was bad; I just prefer the dark.

I'm Batman, after all (fires grappling hook and glides away)



[–] PMYA 3 points (+3|-0)

Hi. This place is only a few weeks old and it's still being worked on, but it's pretty chill.