I saw a writingprompts at voat and I think it would be nice to have one here. And a place to post stories.

I saw a writingprompts at voat and I think it would be nice to have one here. And a place to post stories.


[–] TeraMarie [OP] 2 points (+3|-1)

Wow! I need to think how to describe it and get my friend to look at how i write it first. I have problems writing and realy talk okay in person, honest. I just can't write it nice. Thank you!

[–] MirrorMan 3 points (+3|-0)

Content dictates the popularity of writing more than execution. There are many writers with annoying habits or poor execution that still have readers. Twilight, 50 shades, RPO, etc. are/were insanely successful despite their author's skill. You can and should make an effort to hone your skills to execute your ideas better, but be aware that the content part of the equation is king.