What do you guys think? It looks less like a fox, but it being a simple graph fascinated me. I wanted to get the old logo on mug or t-shirt.

Can you weight in with your opinion?

What do you guys think? It looks less like a fox, but it being a simple graph fascinated me. I wanted to get the old logo on mug or t-shirt. Can you weight in with your opinion?


I feel bad because somebody (probably /u/polsaker) spent time to rework the logo and now I am here criticizing it without accomplishing anything.

But I feel the need to put forth my opinion. Marketing is important for our success!

[–] Boukert 0 points (+0|-0)

We're originally from /v/modernpowers we live on critisism and wouldn't want it any other way!

We see it more as a form of caring to improve then hurtfull, as this is way more productive then circlejerking! We need critical users not yes men so we'll happily take all you can offer!
