Thinking the limit was a good initiative from voat we decided to implement it on phuks as well.

Currently it is set at 15 subs as we found the 10 a bit to limiting for users having multiple niche subs or wanting to help with CSS.

We have discussed raising it to 20 per user but are currently contemplating to offer that in a VIP-package that we can offer users for a small monthly contribution. (we don't mean to make phuks pay to play at all, this is just one of the ideas to include and we think the impact would be neglectable for none paying users)

Feel free to give us your thoughts, they are always valued!

Thinking the limit was a good initiative from voat we decided to implement it on phuks as well. Currently it is set at 15 subs as we found the 10 a bit to limiting for users having multiple niche subs or wanting to help with CSS. We have discussed raising it to 20 per user but are currently contemplating to offer that in a VIP-package that we can offer users for a small monthly contribution. (we don't mean to make phuks pay to play at all, this is just one of the ideas to include and we think the impact would be neglectable for none paying users) Feel free to give us your thoughts, they are always valued!


[–] Polsaker 3 points (+3|-0)

re: helping with CSS, we could implement "designer" positions like in voat, too. And not include them in said limit