I got a lot of questions, ideas, discussions and tips from a lot of you. I appreciate this greatly but would like to use this post to open them all up and deal with them together. We figure A. we are all doing this as a community. B. with our combined experience we can discuss this in an adult way and increase succes.

We encourage everyone with ideas, questions to post them and open them up for all phukkers. We as founders see this as a community effort, prefer transperity and cooperation above all.

Some awnsers to a few questions:

Is there a limit to the amount of subs I can moderate

Yes currently it's set at 15

Are there any limits to voting?

No currently there are no limits to both upvoting and downvoting, we are thinking of restrictions and open to input.

Are there limits to amount off posts?

No, currently there are no limits on daily or hourly post amount. There is also not a 60 sec restriction timer in place for posts or 30 sec for replies. We do aim to implement these and are open to input.

I get the feeling that mods will be allowed a lot of latitude to run the subs as they feel best. But that's an assumption. I like the idea of allowing variety. Some subs are better off with strict moderation, others are better with a light touch. Some subs can benefit from curation, others should be undirected. If I am wrong about that, please correct me.

I agree with you on this and am happy with the nuance. Talking about defaults; Yes it greatly depends on the sub and in some cases the moderators. /s/news will need tighter control then /s/whatever for example. We are open for input on default rules.

For none defaults we currently have no rules and feel that the community can manage/create them with their own rules. We are open to set guidelines for this, but havent got around to

will there be official "Defaults", and what will be the policy with moderation of them?

There is a list of official defaults (auto subscribe for new members), i will have to check where this is visible. We are still discussing policies and we welcome any input from you phukkers.

Also, is there a "whatever" style of sub? Is that something you want to avoid?

There is /s/whatever , but feel free to start any subs you would like.

I am liking the site interface. At first glance it seemed 'plain', so I thought it would be missing many features. But it is not. It has stuff Voat doesn't, and has good navigation and feel to it. What is it built on/with?

I'm not on the technical team, @polsaker is the brains behind that and i'm assured he will tell you everything about it with his sexy accent and leather hat.

The site is advocating for free speech, but how do you plan to avoid the path that voat took, and not end up with the loudest radicals that drive off moderate or balanced users?

  • Well for one, they all went to voat and formed their circlejerk, wich is a nice lighteningrod for us.

  • We will actively manage the community as admins, so there will be a lot less speculation and space to fill by any powerclique or loudmouths. This does not mean we as admins will bully around users, but rather clarify things.

  • We advocate community before free speech, this does not mean we can steer the narrative but we can encourage some.

  • We have been struggling with this to so open to any input.

A suggestion, that may help with that, and be a good thing anyway, is to write up a charter of rights and duties. Outlining what rights the users have, what exceptions there are, and what is expected from them.

Well we have the ToS Which I still need to review and am open to input towards.

Is our main problem right now (apart from lack of content) is commercial spam? I expect a lot of mod work will be removing spam.

Our main problem for now is getting the site up to standard and getting all the bugs fixed. Also finishing all the little odds and ends.

No doubt spam will be a big factor once we start getting more traffic. We trust mods to handle this for now, but we also trust and encourage them to do more and actually built a community on their defaults. (within common sense and limits that come with a default, wich we should all discuss together)


I know that your prime target to poach users isn't going to be voat but what do you think of posting this http://www.webcountdown.net/?c=1482685200 there with no explanation. Voat seems to be in the perfect position to steal from, as many users are becoming very aware of the admins apathetic behavior.

I think the middle path would be best. Don't directly poach from the site, or it may stir drama and attract cancer. But don't ice them out either. There are a lot of good users that just 'tolerate' the bullshit there. Like we did. They would be good to have here.

A. yes there are a lot of good Voaters out there that deserve better.

B. No we do not want the haters and shortsighted idiots.

C. I think mouth to mouth would suffice for now on voat. Just target users that ppl are friendly with.

d. Openly advertising on voat will most probably result in a lot of drama. We rather built ourselves and do this in nuance then pick a fight in our early hours.

Our office: https://kiwiirc.com/client/irc.goat.chat:+6697#throat feel free to jump in if you want info, help out or have suggestions anytime!


I got a lot of questions, ideas, discussions and tips from a lot of you. I appreciate this greatly but would like to use this post to open them all up and deal with them together. We figure A. we are all doing this as a community. B. with our combined experience we can discuss this in an adult way and increase succes. We encourage everyone with ideas, questions to post them and open them up for all phukkers. We as founders see this as a community effort, prefer transperity and cooperation above all. Some awnsers to a few questions: > Is there a limit to the amount of subs I can moderate Yes currently it's set at 15 > Are there any limits to voting? No currently there are no limits to both upvoting and downvoting, we are thinking of restrictions and open to input. > Are there limits to amount off posts? No, currently there are no limits on daily or hourly post amount. There is also not a 60 sec restriction timer in place for posts or 30 sec for replies. We do aim to implement these and are open to input. > I get the feeling that mods will be allowed a lot of latitude to run the subs as they feel best. But that's an assumption. I like the idea of allowing variety. Some subs are better off with strict moderation, others are better with a light touch. Some subs can benefit from curation, others should be undirected. If I am wrong about that, please correct me. I agree with you on this and am happy with the nuance. Talking about defaults; Yes it greatly depends on the sub and in some cases the moderators. /s/news will need tighter control then /s/whatever for example. We are open for input on default rules. For none defaults we currently have no rules and feel that the community can manage/create them with their own rules. We are open to set guidelines for this, but havent got around to > will there be official "Defaults", and what will be the policy with moderation of them? There is a list of official defaults (auto subscribe for new members), i will have to check where this is visible. We are still discussing policies and we welcome any input from you phukkers. > Also, is there a "whatever" style of sub? Is that something you want to avoid? There is /s/whatever , but feel free to start any subs you would like. > I am liking the site interface. At first glance it seemed 'plain', so I thought it would be missing many features. But it is not. It has stuff Voat doesn't, and has good navigation and feel to it. What is it built on/with? I'm not on the technical team, @polsaker is the brains behind that and i'm assured he will tell you everything about it with his sexy accent and leather hat. > The site is advocating for free speech, but how do you plan to avoid the path that voat took, and not end up with the loudest radicals that drive off moderate or balanced users? - Well for one, they all went to voat and formed their circlejerk, wich is a nice lighteningrod for us. - We will actively manage the community as admins, so there will be a lot less speculation and space to fill by any powerclique or loudmouths. This does not mean we as admins will bully around users, but rather clarify things. - We advocate community before free speech, this does not mean we can steer the narrative but we can encourage some. - We have been struggling with this to so open to any input. > A suggestion, that may help with that, and be a good thing anyway, is to write up a charter of rights and duties. > Outlining what rights the users have, what exceptions there are, and what is expected from them. Well we have the [ToS](https://phuks.co/tos) Which I still need to review and am open to input towards. > Is our main problem right now (apart from lack of content) is commercial spam? I expect a lot of mod work will be removing spam. > Our main problem for now is getting the site up to standard and getting all the bugs fixed. Also finishing all the little odds and ends. No doubt spam will be a big factor once we start getting more traffic. We trust mods to handle this for now, but we also trust and encourage them to do more and actually built a community on their defaults. (within common sense and limits that come with a default, wich we should all discuss together) -------------------- Poaching > I know that your prime target to poach users isn't going to be voat but what do you think of posting this http://www.webcountdown.net/?c=1482685200 there with no explanation. Voat seems to be in the perfect position to steal from, as many users are becoming very aware of the admins apathetic behavior. > I think the middle path would be best. Don't directly poach from the site, or it may stir drama and attract cancer. But don't ice them out either. There are a lot of good users that just 'tolerate' the bullshit there. Like we did. They would be good to have here. A. yes there are a lot of good Voaters out there that deserve better. B. No we do not want the haters and shortsighted idiots. C. I think mouth to mouth would suffice for now on voat. Just target users that ppl are friendly with. d. Openly advertising on voat will most probably result in a lot of drama. We rather built ourselves and do this in nuance then pick a fight in our early hours. ----------------- Our office: https://kiwiirc.com/client/irc.goat.chat:+6697#throat feel free to jump in if you want info, help out or have suggestions anytime! test


[–] THC 3 points (+3|-0)

This all looks good to me. If I have any questions or concerns come up in regards to this information I'll edit this comment. Does tagging people work for edits, or only original comments?

[–] Ventus [OP] 2 points (+2|-0)

Tagging is not yet implemented, it's a high priorety. If it will work on pings in edit idk.

[–] Polsaker 2 points (+2|-0)

Taging @Anubis so he implements tagging

[–] pembo210 2 points (+2|-0)

like i got that.. the most i can do right now is a msg that says "youve been pinged" i need to phuck with do

[–] SilverBanana 3 points (+3|-0)

Can we extend the title limit to 500? It would help with TIL posts, science posts or discussion like /v/AskPhucks. It seems like it would be a simple change. If it does not have graphics ramification, it is probably matter of one variable, correct?

[–] Polsaker 1 points (+1|-0)

Not that difficult, we only have to change 4 lines of code and two database columns >_>

[–] pembo210 1 points (+1|-0)

no not a big change.. would that almost be a third type of post? like "lemme tell you a story.." type post..

but totally do-able

[–] SilverBanana 0 points (+0|-0)

Also, have you seen titles of scientific articles lately? If you want to include four authors and full title, you can easily run past it.

"Leslie S, et al., Wellcome Trust Case Control Consortium 2; International Multiple Sclerosis Genetics Consortium (2015) The fine-scale genetic structure of the British population."

[–] SilverBanana 2 points (+2|-0)

Another thing I think would be great is a list of submissions a user had made listed by the subfoxes. I would like to see my list and list of other users I find interesting. I found some of the best content on Voat this way.

[–] pembo210 1 points (+1|-0)

That's me.. im in charge of users profiles. The basics like "stuff ive posted" and "stuff ive commented on" is basic. Sorting by sub, date, votes per XX, post with XX comments.. is a bit more, but totally in the works.

[–] Polsaker 2 points (+2|-0)

I am liking the site interface. At first glance it seemed 'plain', so I thought it would be missing many features. But it is not. It has stuff Voat doesn't, and has good navigation and feel to it. What is it built on/with?

The site is build using Flask (Python). The site's styles aren't that good because none of the developers know how to make things look pretty (myself included).

There are a lot of things that we have pending and we'll gladly welcome any help though (but brace yourselves for the code that you will see >_>)

Is the source available to see?
I may be able to help out. I have some programming skills. I don't have a lot of experience with python, but it is pretty straight-forward. I've also never worked with web or network software, but given some time to get up to speed, I may be able to help out with some things.

I can't help with the style though. That is not one of my abilities.

[–] Polsaker 1 points (+1|-0)

Yes! The source code is available in here. You only have to register an account (It's basically linking your Phuks account)

If you wish to propose any changes, you can use this nice thing. You'll have to paste git diffs if you don't have arcanist.

When I try to log in with my phuks account, after clicking 'yes' to authorize OAuth provider, it crashes.

Unhandled Exception HTTPFutureCURLResponseStatus
There was an error verifying the SSL Certificate Authority while negotiating the SSL connection. This usually indicates that you are using a self-signed certificate but have not added your CA to the CA bundle. See instructions in "libphutil/resources/ssl/README".

No currently there are no limits to both upvoting and downvoting, we are thinking of restrictions and open to input.

I like the idea of some restrictions. If a user is not a part of the community, they are welcome to lurk, but should not have influence. One limit I like is not being able to give out more total downvotes than up. If a user is having that bad of a time here, they should probably go elsewhere.

For none defaults we currently have no rules and feel that the community can manage/create them with their own rules. We are open to set guidelines for this, but haven't got around to

A suggestion: No curation in the defaults.
I think defaults should reflect the userbase as a whole. So what is 'good enough' should be decided by users with votes.
Some type of conflict resolution requirement for them might also be a good idea. It's hard to feel like a sub is community owned if they have no way to appeal a mod action.

[–] Polsaker 1 points (+1|-0)

I like the idea of some restrictions. If a user is not a part of the community, they are welcome to lurk, but should not have influence. One limit I like is not being able to give out more total downvotes than up. If a user is having that bad of a time here, they should probably go elsewhere.

Originally, I was toying with the idea of just removing the downvote option and leave just upvotes and a "report" button. Content that is not "liked" by the community would end up buried by lack of upvotes and outright spam or rule violations would be reported

[–] Boukert 1 points (+1|-0)

One limit I like is not being able to give out more total downvotes than up. If a user is having that bad of a time here, they should probably go elsewhere.

Amen, I've been mulling on this and agree we should make downvotes "more expensive" to use. I'd even be for a 20 - 25% relocation. 5 upvotes given = 1 dv earned to give.

This way you don't get many of those barely contributing users with loud mouths and 100% - 80% downvote ratios. And if a user wants to downvote so badly he is forced to contribute more!

Maybe also disable downvoting on brand new accounts. Can't downvote anything for the first 24 hours or so. To avoid people using sock-puppets. It wouldn't stop someone that thinks ahead, but it would stop others. A bit like a cooling off period.

That or some other type of downvote restriction for new accounts.

[–] Boukert 1 points (+1|-0)

I agree with this as well. Maybe the 100 points needed for downvotes and an 48 hour delay for new accounts?