For example:

https://phuks.co/s/Dreamworlds/hot this link works, but if you remove the "hot" from the end https://phuks.co/s/Dreamworlds/ it does not.

For example: [https://phuks.co/s/Dreamworlds/hot](https://phuks.co/s/Dreamworlds/hot) this link works, but if you remove the "hot" from the end [https://phuks.co/s/Dreamworlds/](https://phuks.co/s/Dreamworlds/) it does not.


[–] E-werd 2 points (+2|-0) Edited

Sure enough. That's a relatively new bug, it used to redirect to the desired sorting. @pembo210 @Polsaker

[–] Polsaker 2 points (+2|-0)

It's because of the trailing slash. I'll fix that now.