
Is that really necessary?

[Seriously?](https://i.sli.mg/HBT9f3.png) Is that really necessary?


[–] TheRedArmy [OP] 1 points (+1|-0) Edited

"Database"? What database? Do you mean the thread or the conversation? Is there a technical side to this I'm missing? (Legitimate questions, I want to know if I'm ignorant about something here.)

EDIT: Just saw what you said @PMYA, and something like that is a legitimate reason.

If someone is purposefully clogging whatever, that counts as spam/harmful/off-topic, and should removed. If I write something extraordinarily long, but it's all meaningful and relevant, is it better that I have to cut it up into many smaller comments rather than posting it as a single large entity?

I might agree that if, for instance, I have a literal essay to write in response to a particular conversation/topic, I might be better served posting it as a new post on it's own and simply mentioning "This is in response to X". But I'm not yet completely convinced of that. @THC See paragraphs 2 and 3.

EDIT 2: I should really see who I'm replying to before opening my mouth, too. :p

[–] Polsaker 0 points (+0|-0)

Database is where the site stores everything information

[–] TheRedArmy [OP] 0 points (+0|-0)

Yeah, obviously. I thought I was responding to PMYA, so maybe he was saying something I wasn't grasping. :p

From you, "database" has a clear meaning.