
Is that really necessary?

[Seriously?](https://i.sli.mg/HBT9f3.png) Is that really necessary?


[–] TheRedArmy [OP] 1 points (+1|-0) Edited

"Database"? What database? Do you mean the thread or the conversation? Is there a technical side to this I'm missing? (Legitimate questions, I want to know if I'm ignorant about something here.)

EDIT: Just saw what you said @PMYA, and something like that is a legitimate reason.

If someone is purposefully clogging whatever, that counts as spam/harmful/off-topic, and should removed. If I write something extraordinarily long, but it's all meaningful and relevant, is it better that I have to cut it up into many smaller comments rather than posting it as a single large entity?

I might agree that if, for instance, I have a literal essay to write in response to a particular conversation/topic, I might be better served posting it as a new post on it's own and simply mentioning "This is in response to X". But I'm not yet completely convinced of that. @THC See paragraphs 2 and 3.

EDIT 2: I should really see who I'm replying to before opening my mouth, too. :p

[–] THC 1 points (+1|-0)

With absolutely no limit, one could have a TB sized comment and it would cripple the site. Limiting it to a few pages should never inhibit someone from writing what they want it a single comment, but there should also be a limit to prevent abuse, especially because mods are not always on and when things really get going will not be privy to comments within posts without being notified in most circumstances.

[–] TheRedArmy [OP] 2 points (+2|-0)

With absolutely no limit, one could have a TB sized comment and it would cripple the site.

Technical considerations are reasonable, and not something I have really considered seriously.

especially because mods are not always on and when things really get going will not be privy to comments within posts without being notified in most circumstances.

I was just starting to think you don't want to rely completely on moderators, so I'm coming around to the idea. I guess if you wanted something monster-sized (as I was thinking earlier), a new post or even a link to a google doc or something would be better.

Sorry for the trouble, I should've thought a little more before opening my mouth. In before I'm the new KevDude :p