Placeholder post while information is gathered. I have not checked if there is a capture attempt underway yet or how much info people have, so post anything you find here.

Placeholder post while information is gathered. I have not checked if there is a capture attempt underway yet or how much info people have, so post anything you find here.


[–] PMYA [OP] 0 points (+0|-0)

I don't think it will be recorded. The whole point was that the flag would be there live for the duration of Trump's presidency. I also think that at this point, he sees this as a personal battle and will not want to concede by not having it up live.

[–] [Deleted] 0 points (+0|-0)

B/c authoritarian leftists always play by the rules they set down? He'll just loophole it and say it's been flying the whole time just in locations different from the stream and say he won by "out trolling" 4chan. I can see the cnn interviews now pretending like it's the most amazing thing ever.