"I've bounced back from influenza! It's Wada Sakurako I had you all concerned about me... I'm sorry I met with the members not too long ago, but, as expected, they were like: "You're acting like a mom!" So thanks for that girls, I'm "mom" lol I will make my return at this weekend's concert, so be sure to be come and be ready for fun!"

Original Twitter Post

"I've bounced back from influenza! It's Wada Sakurako I had you all concerned about me... I'm sorry I met with the members not too long ago, but, as expected, they were like: "You're acting like a mom!" So thanks for that girls, I'm "mom" lol I will make my return at this weekend's concert, so be sure to be come and be ready for fun!" [Original Twitter Post](https://twitter.com/kobushifac_uf/status/950721640194760705?ref_src=twcamp%5Eshare%7Ctwsrc%5Em5%7Ctwgr%5Eemail%7Ctwcon%5E7046%7Ctwterm%5E1)

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