[–] E-werd 2 points (+2|-0)

What happened with the NRA recently that spurred this?

[–] [Deleted] 2 points (+2|-0)

Well, quite a lot. More recently very inappropriate spending by higher-ups.

A lot of pro-gun people also don't like some of their politics. They lack tact and lie about what they believe (they didn't really agree with banning bump stocks).

You'll find more than one story if you google "NRA scandal" and click on things in the last months. This is an interesting start though https://washingtonpress.com/2019/06/09/the-nra-just-got-caught-in-a-financial-scandal-that-could-bring-them-closer-to-extinction/

Oh, fuck me I hate myself for being a lifetime member lol. I wish I'd spent it all on Gun Owners of America now. Guess we live and learn.