I need something that I can safely transport to and from my vehicle without rising suspicion.

I have no biases on firearms because I'm a complete noob, so I won't fall into the conversation of "x does THIS better than y, for this z purpose".

All I know is that I need protection on the go, wherever it is I find myself.

But still, that magnificent piece of metal you have laying in your yard is beautiful. At some point in my life I absolutely know I want one o' dem bad bitches sitting on my lap.

[–] Adhdferret [OP] 0 points (+0|-0)

If to conceal then perhaps the Glock 19. Those are easy to conceal (get a permit) and plenty of holsters out there. It is basically the iPhone of the gun world. Lol

This gun is HUGE and heavy as well. The full mag is likely over a couple pounds. Then you got all the shit I have on it.