I agree, they're incredibly reliable. I've fired many, from el cheapo Saturday Night Specials' of old, to modern large calibers without ever experiencing a problem. Not endorsing Saturday Night Specials, of course, many are worthless pot metal that are more likely to blow up in your hand than any legit pistol, but mechanically, I never had a problem.
I had an uncle that was a dealer and spent my youth with many a firearm and ammo dropped at my country boy doorstep for me to play with. I guess that's where my lifelong enjoyment of shooting ha come from.
From what I can tell, capacity and reload speed are the only drawbacks.
For example: https://hooktube.com/watch?v=AMADRu9CE9w
The number of oddities in this video are countless, but after Mr. red regains control of his gun, he's out of ammo. By some fluke of fate, it appears that robber #1 either under-loaded his revolver, or had a misfire earlier, so he reengages by hand. By the end, it appears that all three have either discarded their revolvers, or are using their weapons as bludgeons.
I’ve never had a revolver jam in my life. Sure it holds less but when I pull the trigger it fires. I used one during tactical training and kept up just fine with semi-autos.