Yeah the lower is what ATF says makes it the gun. It isn't the upper (barrel) they are worried about. Just where the hammer hits the firing pin.
If you look where the trigger is closely it has aluminum showing lol. I drilled out the entire trigger pocket just because I was not going to fuck with it any longer and because I didn't like the stock trigger.
Had too much play I felt. You can get a drop in that is all enclosed (pretty expensive) but worth it. This one has a 2lb pull which is VERY light....that is how I like them anyways and also to get the kid over the anticipation of bang.
Doesn't have a mm of play lol. Reset is almost instant too so you can rapid fire with it and have no problems. Least with one magazine (30 rounds) I did and didn't have any issues.
The black is the adonizing process. Most lowers have that done already to protect the aluminum from premature deteriorating. Nothing fancy. When you see the tan ones Flat Dark Earth (FDE). That is cerekote which is ceramic and paint pretty much you have to bake into the material whether it steel or aluminum.
That is real protection from the elements. Comes in all colors too so you can really go nuts...saw Tiffany Blue offered the other day lol.
You have any other questions just ask.
Ahh okay, removal of the hammer and pin seems to ring a bell, think that's why a mate of mine still has his Grandfathers' Lee Enfield 303 hanging up on the wall above his pool table. Cops still do an occasional inspection of it snoopy bastards.
Is there any negatives to having the lighter pull? What do you mean by a mm of play?
I wouldn't have guessed Anodising, I guess it makes sense now I think about it. Thanks for entertaining my curiosity.
Is there any negatives to having the lighter pull?
Ultra touchy. Some people like that take up before it releases the hammer to hit the striker and move the firing pin to tap the primer and fire the bullet.
I don't because I know what I am shooting and when I want to shoot it. Plus it doesn't have take up.
What do you mean by a mm of play?
Millimeter = mm
What I mean is that when you squeeze the trigger it instantly releases the hammer. Doesn't have to find that sweet spot. Being that it is two stage say after you fire the round and hold your finger on the trigger you can release it and it will reset. You hear the "click" as it sets itself.
Nice mate, is this the diy one? I honestly thought it was purchased. (Granted I know fuck all about guns and experience is limited to clay pigeon shooting with a shotgun and firing down the range with a .303) did you just spray it all with matt black? Reckon you can get a pic in natural light, it's a little bit hard to see the details. Still looks sexy as hell.