off the top of my head no. Imgtc has been bitch lately and forcing you to right click and open pics in a new tab for it to work. I cringe as I type this... imgur. Pls make that your last resort though.
off the top of my head no. Imgtc has been bitch lately and forcing you to right click and open pics in a new tab for it to work. I cringe as I type this... imgur. Pls make that your last resort though.
kek wont do it but it'll do this one... I dunno I'll just leave it and not repost things with pop ups until a solution presents itself.
[kek wont do it but it'll do this one]( I dunno I'll just leave it and not repost things with pop ups until a solution presents itself.
Their link fails and warns of a possible privacy invasion? Pls upload to an image source.