[–] PMYA 2 points (+2|-0) 7 years ago

I'll play devil's advocate and say that PS1 emulation is not as good as it could be. Neither is N64 emulation, if an N64 Mini ends up happening.

Really though it's pretty easy to get hold of a PS1 still, and it's reasonable to get a modded one that can play burnt discs.

[–] PhuksMulder [OP] 1 points (+1|-0) 7 years ago

N64 emulation is the worst. This handful of titles will work while the rest seem destined to being garbage forever. Even Nintendo isn't trying to emulate N64 as far as I know.

[–] [Deleted] 0 points (+0|-0) 7 years ago

Part of the emulation problem is the unique controller. I have some good emulated games, but it's quirky on an xbox controller.