Sure, if you always want to have newest, best everything; but after a few years you get the same on consumer GPUs at consumer prices.
A PC gaming tech expert said in a side conference, at an NVidia show of all places, that you want to buy "leading edge," not "bleeding edge."
> Sure, if you always want to have newest, best everything; but after a few years you get the same on consumer GPUs at consumer prices.
A PC gaming tech expert said in a side conference, at an NVidia show of all places, that you want to buy "leading edge," not "bleeding edge."
If they now improved raytracing that should be better.
Graphics cards are data hungry, and if the system can't deliver, they can't process the data.
Sure, if you always want to have newest, best everything; but after a few years you get the same on consumer GPUs at consumer prices.