[–] [Deleted] 0 points (+0|-0) Edited

I waited for this post to lose interest. I'm not against you bro. I lean right and you lean left. It's a good mix. Why are you sometimes a contrarian like it's personal

[–] Kannibal [OP] 0 points (+0|-0) Edited

problems tend to be multidimensional

sometimes different solutions are better depending on the situation

by way of example

Sometime in woodworking and construction nails are preferred, sometimes it's screws

You choose depending on the situation, use good sense, and don't go religious on solutions and tools. You see what works. there are practical reasons why you choose one over the other. Actual understanding and facts are important, even if they contradict what I believe.

Otherwise you can get into the situation of (to use a silly example) as a follower of Thor, I always use hammers. Therefore I will use a hammer to drive in these wood screws. It's a religious thing.

an alternate example from real life is this imgur post

MRW creationists get upset with flat-earthers for refusing to accept scientific evidence.


Today a group from a creationist church came to me asking for help. A member of their congregation has become a flat-earther. They are frustrated because no matter what evidence they present to this guy, he won't budge from his belief that the Earth is flat. They asked me if I have any incontrovertible evidence they could use to persuade him.

I explained that for a flat-earther, it's not about evidence, it's about belief. They choose flat-earth as a belief system and they will choose to reject any evidence that contradicts that belief. The church-goers couldn't understand why anyone would choose blind belief over objective evidence and they were adamant that if they could just find some good enough evidence they'd win him over.

I was trying not to offend them but eventually I cracked because they kept pushing me. I asked them what it feels like when they are presented with old-earth evidence, and how their belief requires them to reject any such evidence. I asked them to imagine what it's like for me when creationists insist that the Earth is less than 10,000 years old when there's clear evidence to the contrary.

I said that from my point of view believing in a flat Earth isn't much different to believing in a 10,000 year old Earth - the evidence against both is pretty much equally as strong. I explained that I choose to let people believe what they like, and maybe they could do the same with their flat-earther. The look on their faces was priceless. I'm pretty sure that a few of them of were having an uncomfortable realization. I honestly don't know whether to feel like it was a victory or if I should feel bad about it.

A lot of discussion falls into the pit of the political equivalent of faith.

Trump is playing a game of playing to his base, and keeping them happy. This sometimes runs into problems when what he says to play to his base conflicts with real world situations

His latest retraction is a case in point.

I would prefer if he dealt with real facts more of the time, instead of having to constantly do a fact check on him. I fact check most politicians, but some need more than others.

since I am dealing with matters of political faith, I try to move things in the direction of expanded knowledge, unusual perspectives, etc. Because with time fixed ideas not fully based on evidence will start to crack and fail.

the world is not as simple as many people imagine.