Finally participated in my first steam sale. I got 27 "new" games to play.

Not to finally see what all this cake nonsense is with Portal.

Finally participated in my first steam sale. I got 27 "new" games to play. Not to finally see what all this cake nonsense is with Portal.


[–] nomad_goat 5 points (+5|-0)

Have fun. Portal is one of those games I wish I could play brand new again.

I'm looking forward to it. That and playing half life 1&2.

But first things first. Fallout 4.

[–] [Deleted] 1 points (+1|-0)

Portal 2 is way better but play Portal 1 first surely as it's damn good as well. Be sure to check out the workshop and other stuff like this.

Once you've beaten Portal 2 you've got an entirely new free game to play. It's actually as good and as long as the release it self.


Lots of good level designers in the workshop as well.
