This is a (hopefully ongoing) weekly thread to talk about what we're all playing this week. Share your experiences, give recommendations, talk about your accomplishments.

This is a (hopefully ongoing) weekly thread to talk about what we're all playing this week. Share your experiences, give recommendations, talk about your accomplishments.


[–] E-werd [OP] 1 points (+1|-0) Edited

I've been playing Battlefield 1 off and on, it's been scratching an itch. There's nothing really to tell there, it's a different version of the same game I've been playing since BF3. Sometimes it's great, sometimes it sucks.

Tonight I picked up Titan Souls, I have it through the Twitch app from Twitch Prime some weeks back. This is about the first time I've played anything from there, I usually just stick to the same old stuff.

Anyway, I've beat the first 4 bosses so far which gets you past the initial "tutorial" part of the game. I say tutorial, but there isn't much to tell. Walking to the first checkpoint it explains how to run/dash and how to shoot. That's all there is to this game, dodging and shooting. The shooting is a single arrow that you have to pick up. You can retrieve it by walking over it, or by holding your shoot button to pull it back to you at the cost of staying in one place. Each boss has been harder than the last. One hit is death and you're send back to the last checkpoint. There's no real hints as to what you're supposed to do, so it's a bit of trial and error--pay attention to everything you see!