I tried the anniversary event in D3. I was expecting the same level design as the original game. Since they spent all that time making the graphics "retro". Quickly realized that it was just a filter over D3. They made a retro filter for the game. That is about it. They were nothing like the original levels. I was really disappointed. I thought it would be a nice walk down memory lane.

Has anyone else tried it? Am I missing something here?

Now I'm just sitting here hoping they don't fuck up the necromancer.

I tried the anniversary event in D3. I was expecting the same level design as the original game. Since they spent all that time making the graphics "retro". Quickly realized that it was just a filter over D3. They made a retro filter for the game. That is about it. They were nothing like the original levels. I was really disappointed. I thought it would be a nice walk down memory lane. Has anyone else tried it? Am I missing something here? Now I'm just sitting here hoping they don't fuck up the necromancer.


[–] PMYA 2 points (+2|-0)

I've never played Diablo but I've noticed this is becoming more and more common. All new content for old releases is complete garbage. I remember around 2009/2010 people were starting to complain about DLC a lot more because the content quality and quantity had dropped a lot, to the point where people were paying a ton of money for maybe a couple of new character skins or an "expansion" that added about an hour of new content to the original release.

It is probably our fault. They wouldn't keep making it if nobody was buying it.

Ya. Blizzard in particular has found that focusing on the casual players makes more money. I've been fine going along for that ride because my own play style has gone very casual. Its just how my life is now.

But god damnit. Developers just love to over-hype their shit now. But that just seems to be all media now. We are bombarded with so much information, they just inflate it to try and get your attention from all the other BS. Ultimately just adding more bullshit to the bullshit stew.

[–] PMYA 1 points (+1|-0)

That's why I don't enjoy playing AAA games now, especially any on PC. I can't actually remember the last major release that I played and enjoyed, it might have been GTA V.

Even Bethesda, whether you love them or hate them, released a lot of stuff for Fallout and the Elder Scrolls games that added a ton of new content to the game, they were almost like new campaigns. Last year, there wasn't a single game with any form of DLC that was worth getting, that I know of.