I've always felt as though I'm unable to fully enjoy RPGs. Final Fantasy is one of my favourite series of games, but outside of that it's pretty limited. Undertale was probably the last RPG I played that I liked, mostly because it did something different with the combat system and the puzzle aspects weren't too over the top. I feel the same way about CrossCode, but I would put that game into a different category as it isn't a traditional RPG.

I just don't want to sink a ton of time into a game that is mostly a grind with story elements and payoffs that are few and far between when I could play a different kind of game that is at least continuously stimulating.

I've always felt as though I'm unable to fully enjoy RPGs. Final Fantasy is one of my favourite series of games, but outside of that it's pretty limited. Undertale was probably the last RPG I played that I liked, mostly because it did something different with the combat system and the puzzle aspects weren't too over the top. I feel the same way about CrossCode, but I would put that game into a different category as it isn't a traditional RPG. I just don't want to sink a ton of time into a game that is mostly a grind with story elements and payoffs that are few and far between when I could play a different kind of game that is at least continuously stimulating.


[–] E-werd 1 points (+1|-0)

Meh, I can never seem to get myself motivated for an RPG. I've only done it a couple times and enjoyed it. They were Final Fantasy 7 and Victor Vran. I don't like turn-based, so FF7 was rough. Victor Vran is an ARPG though, so very action packed and it gets tough.

[–] PMYA [OP] 0 points (+0|-0)

FF can be a pain in the dick if you don't know exactly where to go and end up having to do a ton of battles. I'm not really that keen on ARPGs, they're too similar to MMOs (which I hate) and they have the same issue as some RTS games where making a ton of decisions in a short space of time can get stressful/not fun. I'm not great with keyboard/mouse controls either, which only adds to the problem.