1. Fear, when rational, is much stronger than anger. Be afraid of dying but hide only behind your gun and bullet stream, you'll learn so much more.
  2. Stay near outer walls until you find an in. Bullets are much faster than users.
  3. Don't reload unless you've killed 2+. Worry constantly about bullet count
  4. After you've killed someone, your first priority is another target, not reloading. Don't do it.
  5. Keep your killstreaks high and learn what works for you, forget about the low stuff. learn to survive.
1. Fear, when rational, is much stronger than anger. Be afraid of dying but hide only behind your gun and bullet stream, you'll learn so much more. 2. Stay near outer walls until you find an in. Bullets are much faster than users. 3. Don't reload unless you've killed 2+. Worry constantly about bullet count 4. After you've killed someone, your first priority is another target, not reloading. Don't do it. 5. Keep your killstreaks high and learn what works for you, forget about the low stuff. learn to survive.


[–] [Deleted] 2 points (+2|-0)

the only fps i was ever good at was CoD:MW. my advice for going 20-0: get really really good at sniping with a desert eagle. my advice for not having a negative kdr in any fps: run around in any close quarters area with a rocket launcher or grenades or whatever explosive. the moment you see movement, blow yourself and them up.

for some reason, nobody wants to play fps games with me :(

[–] [Deleted] 1 points (+1|-0)

If tribes was still a thing could you imagine the shit-storm a bunch of us would bring to CTF?

[–] PMYA 2 points (+2|-0)

I remember a friend giving me some advice years ago that is pretty solid across all multiplayer FPS games. Skirt the outside of the map and shoot inwards.

[–] [Deleted] 1 points (+1|-0)

well I strongly agree with your friend, however you have to find an in. to cross the map and spawn and make that the spawn for your dead, so you can continue again. I'm talking about 300-0 here.