[–] PMYA [OP] 2 points (+2|-0)

This is a run of the best recorded times for each section of the game by different people, all put together.

To put this into perspective, the current world record for a full run in one go by one person is about 5-6 minutes slower than this run. The world record for this game was just under an hour not that long ago.

Some of the tricks and level skips in Mirror's Edge are almost frame perfect. The jump kick glitch, which you can see at the start of the run when Faith is jumping from wall to wall, then kicking, has a three frame window in which the kick needs to be pressed. Whilst it isn't that impressive for someone to hit it once, hitting it hundreds of times in the same run, whilst maintaining the correct angles and momentum for an optimal route is completely insane. Even the smaller tricks, such as walljumping continuously at a 45 degree angle against a wall to rack up speed, are so difficult that people running it on PC bind the tricks to certain keys instead of trying to do it normally.

[–] TheRedArmy 1 points (+1|-0)

Gonna watch this in detail later and talk about it @pmya. Mirror's Edge is a game I really enjoyed playing.