Posted by /u/gbmaulin on reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/justneckbeardthings/comments/8s7tty/my_girlfriend_got_reeeeed_at_irl/

I'll copy/paste this here because I know a non-insignificant number of you are the type that would boycott reddit.

So I've been working as a chef at a rather upscale italian restaurant in a prominent west coast city. About a week ago I started dating one of the waitresses who works at the same establishment. We're having a post-shift drink with a couple of co workers when I happen to mention a customer with a baby blue fedora who had come in. My gf immediately makes a sour face and groans. Obviously our collective interest is piqued, we ask how he was as a customer. She looks visibly uncomfortable and says "I don't want to talk about him, it's mean. " I find myself a bit concerned, so I asked what happened. She proceeds to sigh and finish her drink. "He asked for a chicken cordon bleu without the ham and cheese." My fellow chef and I glance at each other, I know he's a redditor, he got me into it. "So basically a chicken nugget. When I told him we don't fry our chicken in an effort to not cross contaminate our friers he straight up shrieked at me." I'm struggling to hold back laughter as i ask what the shriek sounded like. "It sounded like a SHREEEEEE sound, it scared the shit out of me and then his mother proceeded to lecture me about being intentionally uncooperative and being intimidated by the cooks." I legit start to giggle a bit and my co worker chimes in with a "that sucks, but did he have any facial hair?" She said "kind of, he had a mustache and a lot of hair on his double chin" I seriously can't stop laughing, but she seems genuinely traumatized by the entire event. For the record, the ticket I got in the kitchen was "just a fried piece of chicken cut into strips"

Edit: I apologize for the formatting, but whatever it's my first post.

I'm not 100% sure this isn't done ironically, but @Gibby seems to think this could be a genuine sample. What do you think?

Posted by [/u/gbmaulin on reddit](https://www.reddit.com/user/gbmaulin): https://www.reddit.com/r/justneckbeardthings/comments/8s7tty/my_girlfriend_got_reeeeed_at_irl/ I'll copy/paste this here because I know a non-insignificant number of you are the type that would boycott reddit. > So I've been working as a chef at a rather upscale italian restaurant in a prominent west coast city. About a week ago I started dating one of the waitresses who works at the same establishment. We're having a post-shift drink with a couple of co workers when I happen to mention a customer with a baby blue fedora who had come in. My gf immediately makes a sour face and groans. Obviously our collective interest is piqued, we ask how he was as a customer. She looks visibly uncomfortable and says "I don't want to talk about him, it's mean. " I find myself a bit concerned, so I asked what happened. She proceeds to sigh and finish her drink. "He asked for a chicken cordon bleu without the ham and cheese." My fellow chef and I glance at each other, I know he's a redditor, he got me into it. "So basically a chicken nugget. When I told him we don't fry our chicken in an effort to not cross contaminate our friers he straight up shrieked at me." I'm struggling to hold back laughter as i ask what the shriek sounded like. "It sounded like a SHREEEEEE sound, it scared the shit out of me and then his mother proceeded to lecture me about being intentionally uncooperative and being intimidated by the cooks." I legit start to giggle a bit and my co worker chimes in with a "that sucks, but did he have any facial hair?" She said "kind of, he had a mustache and a lot of hair on his double chin" I seriously can't stop laughing, but she seems genuinely traumatized by the entire event. For the record, the ticket I got in the kitchen was "just a fried piece of chicken cut into strips" > Edit: I apologize for the formatting, but whatever it's my first post. I'm not 100% sure this isn't done ironically, but @Gibby seems to think this could be a genuine sample. What do you think?


[–] [Deleted] 2 points (+2|-0) 7 years ago

But does he have enough GBP for the chicken?

[–] E-werd [OP] 2 points (+2|-0) 7 years ago

Great Big Penis?

[–] [Deleted] 2 points (+2|-0) 7 years ago Edited 7 years ago

It's part of the whole tendies meme. Good Boy Points. He has to earn them to get tendies. Started by 4chan's r9k board. the whole post is literally the meme.