Mine's Col. EH Taylor.

Also will take a Willet. Bulleit for anything mixed.

Also anything experimental or rare or selective (like Buffalo Trace's unblended tiny bottles).

Edit: Booker's cask strength for special occasions

Mine's [Col. EH Taylor](http://www.buffalotracedistillery.com/brands/eh-taylor). Also will take a Willet. Bulleit for anything mixed. Also anything experimental or rare or selective (like Buffalo Trace's unblended tiny bottles). Edit: Booker's cask strength for special occasions


[–] E-werd 2 points (+2|-0)

Usually I'll go for Wild Turkey 101. It's good to do shots and drink beer in between them.

I've gotten Wild Turkey 81 to drink straight, it's good for that. It's more of a spiced flavor to make up for the lack of alcohol.

If I'm splurging, I'll go for Maker's Mark. Good, smooth stuff but you're going to pay for it.