I'm reading American Gods at the moment. I am not sure how if I like it or not but only 100 pages in. Then I have some Dragon books, a crusades book, and several others. I used to be able to read a book every few days but now I am lucky if it is one a month! Just curious what you all are reading.

I'm reading American Gods at the moment. I am not sure how if I like it or not but only 100 pages in. Then I have some Dragon books, a crusades book, and several others. I used to be able to read a book every few days but now I am lucky if it is one a month! Just curious what you all are reading.


[–] TheRedArmy 3 points (+3|-0)

Been a while since I really sat down and read a book.

Last two I read were around Christmas and January, they were You have the Right to Remain Innocent (a book I heartily recommend for all Americans) and Harrington on Hold 'Em.

[–] PistolPete [OP] 3 points (+3|-0)

I'll put it on the bucket list! Been roughed up by the police once and that was more than enough.

[–] TheRedArmy 3 points (+3|-0)

Oh yeah, you have my sympathy. You'll know how important that book is more than most of us then.