George was a college graduate with a Masters degree.
I'm trying to imagine someone pretending to be a 'retard' today.

There was a tard class at my school when this happened. One of them was named George, so naturally we called him the 'Animal' and wrestled with him a lot.
He loved it, and we had fun.

I don't think children are allowed to treat tards like people anymore. Too bad.

[–] Justintoxicated 1 points (+1|-0)


That reminds me of when I was in 5th grade at recess we would play in the field out back and sometimes we'd just play wrestling. We kept trying to convince this kid who was already 6'4 and over 200 lbs to be Andre, he had no interest in it so he would just sit on a stump sulking while every other misfit kid would imitate their favorite wrestler.