[–] CDanger 1 points (+1|-0)

All the billions in foreign aid to Israel are illegal by US law as Israel is not compliant with the NPT. This is the real reason there has been this stupid game of "nuclear ambiguity" for years despite the Vanunu leaks and other obvious intel that Israel has nukes. We invaded Iraq on bogus intel that they had WMDs while we ignore the actual country in the Middle East with WMD that refuses inspections. Good going.

Israel refuses to join treaties restricting chemical, biological weapons and has such magnanimous company as the likes of Sudan and North Korea while nearly the entire rest of the world signs these treaties. Even the boogeyman Iran is a member of these treaties. It's beyond me and all reason why the US rewards this rogue state.

[–] leaderofnopack 1 points (+2|-1)

And they will use them unlike USSR now Russia or China. Then they will use some lame excuse why they were forced to nuke the country.

[–] Butler_crosley -1 points (+0|-1)

They won't use them unless forced to. The mere threat of them having nuclear weapons keeps the rest of the Middle East from attacking Israel on a large scale. Iran is much more likely to use a nuclear weapon just to use one. They would claim Israel farted at them as an excuse to bomb them with a nuclear weapon.

[–] leaderofnopack 1 points (+2|-1)

I disagree, Isreal for decades has violated the geneva convention. The Fourth Geneva Convention to be exact and with pride murdered innocent civilians even on camera, then there was stuxnet and the damage it caused.